Diabetes and Endocrinology

We offer consultation and advice to those, who are aged 18 years and above, and require investigation to rule out hormonal causes for the symptoms mentioned below:

  • Excessive sweating 
  • Palpitation
  • Flushing
  • Diarrhoea
  • General malaise, tiredness and fatigue
  • Unexplained weight gains or weight loss 
  • Menstrual disorder and Galactorrhoea
  • Excessive thirst and or urination
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Gynaecomastia

We offer consultation to adults, if symptoms suggest any of the following conditions:

Low Blood Glucose (Hypoglycaemia)

Low blood glucose can be diagnosed from symptoms and confirmed by checking capillary blood glucose. The liver is the major regulator of circulating blood glucose in a healthy individual and responds to circulating levels of different naturally secreted hormones. Investigations to look for the cause will require blood tests and or radiology imaging, following which, necessary treatment can be offered.

Sodium and Electrolyte Imbalance (Hyponatremia)

Symptoms of low sodium depends on the rate of development of Hyponatremia and on the underlying cause. Focussed history, blood tests and imaging are required to reach a final diagnosis and to organise a subsequent management plan.


Type-1 Diabetes 

This condition is caused due to destruction of beta cells of the pancreas, resulting in loss of insulin production. Anyone with Type-1 diabetes will need daily insulin and regular blood sugar monitoring. Patients with Type-1 Diabetes require regular follow ups with other specialists including an Ophthalmologist, a Podiatrist and a Dietician.

Type-2 Diabetes and Obesity 

This condition is a metabolic disorder caused mostly due to increased insulin resistance, without initial loss of insulin production. Though diabetes and obesity consultants are trained to manage this condition, the patient would still need regular follow ups with other specialists such as an Ophthalmologist, a Podiatrist and a Dietician.

Pituitary Disorders

The Pituitary gland lies deep within the base of brain. Pituitary disorders can be diagnosed from focussed history, blood tests, and a dedicated MRI scan of the pituitary gland. Following that the best available treatment can be offered. Pituitary adenomas of size more than 10mm may need further evaluation in the multi-disciplinary team meeting (MDT) with an Endocrine Surgeon and a Neuro-Radiologist.

Thyroid Disorders

Thyroid disorders are diagnosed from clinical history. It requires checking blood levels of thyroid hormones and the thyroid stimulating hormone, that show whether one has an overactive or underactive thyroid. We investigate the cause to work out the best available treatment. Thyroid nodules and goitre needs US imaging and may need further fine needle aspiration and there after discussion with the MDT.

Parathyroid Disorders, Bone and Calcium Metabolism

We offer consultations to investigate over active and underactive parathyroid disorders and disorders causing high and low calcium following which treatment can be planned.

Adrenal Disorders

Adrenal failure or disorders of excess adrenal hormone secretion can be diagnosed from clinical history, blood tests and adrenal radiological imaging. Adrenal nodules found incidentally during imaging are assessed with blood tests, and further dedicated imaging may need input from an Adrenal multi-disciplinary team.

Ovarian Hormone Disorder

Polycystic ovarian syndrome and Premature ovarian failure can be diagnosed from symptoms and confirmed by blood tests and pelvic ultrasound and treated as per protocol.

Testicular Hormone Disorder (Hypogonadism)

Diagnosis of primary and secondary hypogonadism requires an investigation of the pituitary gonadal hormone axis with blood tests and or radiological imaging following which treatment can be recommended.


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