
The word Cardiology is derived from the Greek language, meaning “study of the heart.” The field of Cardiology also covers blood circulation, such as problems with high or low blood pressure. Cardiologists are doctors who specialise in diagnosing and treating diseases or conditions of the heart and blood vessels – the cardiovascular system.

Cardiac Conditions

The field of cardiology is complex since it covers different areas. Cardiomyopathy is the altered mechanical function of the muscle of the heart e.g. weakening or stiffening of the heart muscle found in heart failure. Coronary artery disease causes a narrowing of the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart, which may lead to angina or a heart attack. Dysrhythmias (also known as arrhythmias) are abnormal heartbeats and can sometimes be life-threatening. Other areas include congenital (from birth) or inherited (genetically passed from one generation to another) heart problems, as well as conditions affecting the valves inside the heart.


Patients who are afflicted by conditions of the heart may experience symptoms such as chest pain, abnormal heartbeats (called palpitations), light-headedness, loss of consciousness, tiredness and difficulty in breathing. Other less common types of symptoms may also occur, including headaches and sudden generalised weakness.

Seek Expert Opinion

If you develop symptoms arising from the heart, then you should seek expert advise from a cardiologist. Otherwise, any symptoms that are severe and debilitating should be dealt with urgently, without delay, and you should call an ambulance to be treated immediately in the emergency department of a nearby hospital.​


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