
Gastric Ballon:

Orberra 365:

This type of balloon is placed endoscopically in the stomach. The balloon is inflated with saline mixed with blue colour dye. Orberra 365 is designed to stay in the stomach for a year. Gastric balloon helps retraining food habits by inducing nausea, vomiting when eaten too much food.

Elipse Ballon:

Is also called ‘Magic Pill’ as this looks like a large size capsule. The balloon is swallowed with water and after confirming it’s placement in the stomach under X-ray it is inflated with saline. Balloon is automatically deflated inside the stomach after four months. This procedure does not require sedation or endoscopy.


Gastric Bypass:

Roux en Y Gastric Bypass:

A small gastric pouch (new stomach) is created from the top of the stomach by using a staple device. Small bowel cut and joined to the new pouch to allow food to enter in to the remaining digestive tract. The remaining small bowel is attached further down. This is considered as the gold standard weight loss operation. Gastric bypass is both restrictive and also adds small element of malabsorption (decreases the absorption of food). Gastric bypass is proven to be more effective in patients with diabetes with long term remission. It is also effective in patients with gastrooesophageal reflux disease. Gastric bypass surgery is a preferred choice of operation in patients with snacking habits and sweet eaters.

Omega Loop Gastric Bypass:

Has recently gained popularity. There are two main differences from standard Roux en Y Gastric bypass. Omega loop bypass involves only one joint and a longer stomach pouch. This induces comparable weight loss and health benefits. This type of gastric bypass is suitable for any patients eligible for Roux en Y gastric bypass.

Sleeve Gastrectomy:

This is one of the most popular weight loss operations currently done in the world. This involves removal of ¾ of the stomach using stapling devices. This operation is done by a laparoscopic (Key-hole) technique. Sleeve gastrectomy works by restricting the amount of food ingested and it also reduces hunger inducing hormone (Ghrelin) levels, as a result one would find reduced appetite. Sleeve gastrectomy also induces positive hormonal changes which helps in altering metabolism. It is a non-reversible operation

Endoscopic Gastroplasty (ESG):

Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty is an endoscopic – non-surgical procedure that is used to examine a person’s digestive tract. It is similar to a gastric sleeve operation, but no incisions are made because the procedure is done through the tube orally. The tube is snaked down into the person’s stomach, going through the mouth and throat. From there an endoscopic suturing device reduces the size of the stomach by creating a ‘sleeve’ with sutures. This makes the stomach into a smaller pouch so a person will feel fuller faster.”ESG or incisionless or scarless sleeve is carried out by Endoscopy under General Anaesthesia. The results of the procedure are comparable to traditional sleeve gastrectomy with the benefit of scar less, safer and quicker recovery. The procedure can take 1-2 hours under general anaesthesia. ESG can be carried out as a day procedure

Endoscopic Overstitch

Overstitch is an endoscopic procedure to tighten or reshape failed gastric bypass procedure. It is alternative to more invasive revision surgery. OverStitch allows for full thickness stitches in an endoscopic procedure, shrinking the size of the stomach once more and leading to better overall results in weight gain cessation and estimated weight loss after surgery. In this process, the surgeon uses an endoscope, which is inserted into the mouth. The endoscope is then used to navigate to the stomach, where stitches are placed in order to reduce the size of the stomach, jump starting weight loss once more. This procedure is generally an outpatient process, with patients able to return home on the same day, thus avoiding the complications that can arise in a second laparoscopic surgery. With minimal side effects and a high level of patient comfort.If you have undergone a successful gastric bypass surgery only to see results diminish over time, bariatric revision may be the best course of action for you. Low risk and highly effective, OverStitch can help you see weight loss progress once more with one simple procedure

Revision/Conversion Bariatric Surgery:

Although gastric band, gastric by pass and sleeve gastrectomy procedures are effective there is a 30% chance of weight regain after few years. Complication rate is higher after few years following gastric band placement. Weight regain can be debilitating to the patient affecting their health and life style. Type of revision or conversion surgery depends on the type of original surgery. Conversion of gastric band to either sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass (either type of bypass ) can be performed simultaneously at the time of gastric band removal or later depending on the patient’s requirements.

Gastric Band:

The Laparoscopic (key-hole) adjustable gastric band is carried out under general anaesthesia. Gastric band is made of silicone and is fitted around top end of the stomach. The band is fixed with sutures, this creates a virtual pouch proximal to the band. The band is connected to a reservoir (port) by a long tube. The reservoir is fixed on top of the abdominal muscles under the skin at the end of the operation. The band is adjusted by injecting saline in to the reservoir, which is accessed with a special needle. It is a restrictive procedure where it reduces the amount of food eaten which subsequently helps to lose weight. This requires regular follow up, well-disciplined life style and frequent gastric band adjustments.


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